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join prayers

  • 1 join

    1. transitive verb
    1) (put together, connect) verbinden (to mit)

    join two things [together] — zwei Dinge miteinander verbinden; zwei Dinge zusammenfügen

    join handssich (Dat.) die Hände reichen

    2) (come into company of) sich gesellen zu; sich zugesellen (+ Dat.); (meet) treffen; (come with) mitkommen mit; sich anschließen (+ Dat.)

    may I join you(at table) kann ich mich zu euch setzen?

    would you like to join me in a drink?hast du Lust, ein Glas mit mir zu trinken?

    3) (become member of) eintreten in (+ Akk.) [Armee, Firma, Orden, Verein, Partei]; beitreten (+ Dat.) [Verein, Partei, Orden]
    4) (take one's place in) sich einreihen in (+ Akk.) [Umzug, Demonstrationszug]
    5) [Fluss, Straße:] münden in (+ Akk.)
    2. intransitive verb
    1) (come together) [Flüsse:] sich vereinigen, zusammenfließen; [Straßen:] sich vereinigen, zusammenlaufen; [Grundstücke:] aneinander grenzen, aneinander stoßen
    3. noun
    Verbindung, die; (line) Nahtstelle, die
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/88444/join_in">join in
    * * *
    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) verbinden
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) verbinden
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) sich anschließen an
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) treffen
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) treffen
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) die Verbindung
    - join forces
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up
    * * *
    I. vt
    to \join sth [to sth] etw [mit etw dat] verbinden [o zusammenfügen]; battery etw [an etw dat] anschließen; (add) etw [an etw akk] anfügen
    the River Neckar \joins the Rhine at Mannheim der Neckar mündet bei Mannheim in den Rhein ein
    to \join hands sich dat die Hände geben [o geh reichen]
    to \join sth together etw zusammenfügen [o miteinander verbinden
    2. (offer company)
    to \join sb sich akk zu jdm gesellen, jdm Gesellschaft leisten
    would you like to \join us for supper? möchtest du mit uns zu Abend essen?
    do you mind if I \join you? darf ich mich zu Ihnen setzen?
    her husband \joined her in Rome a week later eine Woche später kam ihr Mann nach Rom nach
    3. (enrol)
    to \join sth etw dat beitreten, in etw akk eintreten; club, party bei etw dat Mitglied werden
    to \join the army Soldat werden
    to \join the ranks of the unemployed sich akk in das Heer der Arbeitslosen einreihen
    to \join sth bei etw dat mitmachen
    let's \join the dancing lass uns mittanzen
    to \join the line AM [or BRIT queue] sich akk in die Schlange stellen [o einreihen
    5. (support)
    to \join sb in [doing] sth jdm bei [o in] etw dat [o der Ausführung einer S. gen] zur Seite stehen, sich akk jdm [bei der Ausführung einer S. gen] anschließen
    I'm sure everyone will \join me in wishing you a very happy birthday es schließen sich sicher alle meinen Glückwünschen zu Ihrem Geburtstag an
    to \join forces with sb sich akk mit jdm zusammentun
    7. (board)
    to \join a plane/train in ein Flugzeug/einen Zug zusteigen
    \join the club! ( hum fam) willkommen im Klub!
    II. vi
    to \join [with sth] sich akk [mit etw dat] verbinden
    to \join with sb in doing sth sich akk mit jdm dat zusammenschließen [o zusammentun], um etw zu tun
    3. (enrol) beitreten, Mitglied werden
    4. (marry)
    to \join [together] in marriage [or ( form) holy matrimony] sich akk ehelich [miteinander] verbinden geh, in den heiligen Bund der Ehe treten geh
    III. n
    1. (seam) Verbindung[sstelle] f, Fuge f
    2. MATH (set theory) Vereinigungsmenge f fachspr
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (lit, fig: connect, unite) verbinden (to mit)

    to join battle (with the enemy) — den Kampf mit dem Feind aufnehmen

    to join hands (lit, fig)sich (dat) or einander die Hände reichen

    they are joined at the hip (fig inf) — sie sind völlig unzertrennlich, sie hängen wie Kletten aneinander (inf)

    2) (= become member of) army gehen zu; one's regiment sich anschließen (+dat), sich begeben zu; NATO, the EU beitreten (+dat); political party, club beitreten (+dat), Mitglied werden von or bei or in (+dat), eintreten in (+acc); religious order eintreten in (+acc), beitreten (+dat); university (as student) anfangen an (+dat); (as staff) firm anfangen bei; group of people, procession sich anschließen (+dat)

    he has been ordered to join his ship at Liverpooler hat Order bekommen, sich in Liverpool auf seinem Schiff einzufinden or zu seinem Schiff zu begeben


    I joined him at the stationwir trafen uns am Bahnhof, ich traf mich mit ihm am Bahnhof

    I'll join you in five minutesich bin in fünf Minuten bei Ihnen

    will you join us? — machen Sie mit?, sind Sie dabei?

    Paul joins me in wishing you... — Paul schließt sich meinen Wünschen für... an

    they joined us in singing... — sie sangen mit uns zusammen...

    4) (river) another river, the sea einmünden or fließen in (+acc); (road) another road (ein)münden in (+acc)

    his estates join oursseine Ländereien grenzen an unsere (an)

    2. vi
    1) ( two parts) (= be attached) (miteinander) verbunden sein; (= be attachable) sich (miteinander) verbinden lassen; (= grow together) zusammenwachsen; (= meet, be adjacent) zusammenstoßen, zusammentreffen; (estates) aneinander (an)grenzen; (rivers) zusammenfließen, sich vereinigen; (roads) sich treffen

    let us all join together in the Lord's Prayer he joins with me in wishing you... — wir wollen alle zusammen das Vaterunser beten er schließt sich meinen Wünschen für... an

    Moscow and Washington have joined in condemning these actions —

    they all joined together to get her a present — sie taten sich alle zusammen, um ihr ein Geschenk zu kaufen

    2) (club member) beitreten, Mitglied werden
    3. n
    Naht(stelle) f; (in pipe, knitting) Verbindungsstelle f
    * * *
    join [dʒɔın]
    A v/t
    1. etwas verbinden, -einigen, zusammenfügen ( alle:
    to, on to mit):
    a) die Hände falten,
    b) sich die Hand oder Hände reichen,
    c) fig gemeinsame Sache machen, sich zusammentun ( beide:
    with mit)
    2. Personen vereinigen, zusammenbringen ( beide:
    with, to mit):
    join in friendship freundschaftlich verbinden;
    they are joined in marriage sie sind ehelich (miteinander) verbunden
    3. fig verbinden, verein(ig)en:
    join prayers gemeinsam beten; force A 1
    4. sich anschließen (dat oder an akk), stoßen oder sich gesellen zu:
    I’ll join you later ich komme später nach;
    I was joined by Mary Mary schloss sich mir an;
    join sb in (doing) sth etwas zusammen mit jemandem tun;
    join sb in a walk (gemeinsam) mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen, sich jemandem auf einem Spaziergang anschließen;
    thanks for joining us ( RADIO, TV) danke für Ihr Interesse;
    join the circus zum Zirkus gehen;
    join one’s regiment zu seinem Regiment stoßen;
    join one’s ship an Bord seines Schiffes gehen; majority 2
    5. eintreten in (akk):
    a) einem Klub, einer Partei etc beitreten
    b) anfangen bei einer Firma etc:
    join the army ins Heer eintreten, weitS. Soldat werden; police force
    6. a) teilnehmen oder sich beteiligen an (dat), mitmachen bei, sich anschließen (dat)
    b) sich einlassen auf (akk), den Kampf aufnehmen:
    join an action JUR einem Prozess beitreten;
    join a treaty einem (Staats)Vertrag beitreten; battle Bes Redew, issue A 4
    7. sich vereinigen mit, zusammenkommen mit, (ein)münden in (akk) (Fluss, Straße)
    8. MATH Punkte verbinden
    9. (an)grenzen an (akk)
    B v/i
    1. sich vereinigen oder verbinden ( with mit)
    a) teilnehmen, sich beteiligen, mitmachen, sich anschließen, einstimmen:
    join in, everybody! alle mitmachen oder mitsingen!
    b) A 6 a:
    join in the laughter in das Gelächter einstimmen;
    join with sb in (doing) sth etwas zusammen mit jemandem tun
    3. sich vereinigen, zusammenkommen (Straßen), (Flüsse auch) zusammenfließen
    4. aneinandergrenzen, sich berühren
    5. join up Soldat werden
    C s Verbindungsstelle f, -linie f, Naht f, Fuge f
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (put together, connect) verbinden (to mit)

    join two things [together] — zwei Dinge miteinander verbinden; zwei Dinge zusammenfügen

    join handssich (Dat.) die Hände reichen

    2) (come into company of) sich gesellen zu; sich zugesellen (+ Dat.); (meet) treffen; (come with) mitkommen mit; sich anschließen (+ Dat.)

    may I join you (at table) kann ich mich zu euch setzen?

    would you like to join me in a drink? — hast du Lust, ein Glas mit mir zu trinken?

    3) (become member of) eintreten in (+ Akk.) [Armee, Firma, Orden, Verein, Partei]; beitreten (+ Dat.) [Verein, Partei, Orden]
    4) (take one's place in) sich einreihen in (+ Akk.) [Umzug, Demonstrationszug]
    5) [Fluss, Straße:] münden in (+ Akk.)
    2. intransitive verb
    1) (come together) [Flüsse:] sich vereinigen, zusammenfließen; [Straßen:] sich vereinigen, zusammenlaufen; [Grundstücke:] aneinander grenzen, aneinander stoßen
    3. noun
    Verbindung, die; (line) Nahtstelle, die
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (take) issue with someone expr.
    sich mit jemandem auf einen Streit einlassen ausdr. v.
    anfügen v.
    kombinieren v.
    verbinden v.

    English-german dictionary > join

  • 2 join

    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) spojiti
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) spojiti
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) pridružiti se
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) priključiti se, srečati se
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) pridružiti se
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) stik
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up
    * * *
    I [džɔin]
    stikališče, spajanje, spajalen člen; utor
    II [džɔin]
    transitive verb
    spojiti, spajati, združiti, sestaviti, povezati, priključiti, pridružiti, srečati, dotikati;
    intransitive verb
    priključiti se, pridružiti se, združiti se; včlaniti se; spojiti se; strinjati se ( with s, z; in v, glede); mejiti, dotikati se
    military & nautical nastopiti službo; nautical vkrcati se; geometry spojiti dve točki (s krivuljo ali premico); military to join the armyiti v vojsko
    to join hands (with) — skleniti roke, rokovati se, združiti se s kom
    to join issue with — ne strinjati se, pobijati (z argumenti)
    to join s.o. in doing s.th.skupaj kaj delati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > join

  • 3 Gebet

    n; -(e)s, -e prayer (an + Akk oder zu to); beim Gebet at (Am. in) prayer; sein Gebet verrichten say one’s prayers; jemanden ins Gebet nehmen umg., fig. give s.o. a good talking-to
    * * *
    das Gebet
    supplication; prayer
    * * *
    Ge|bet [gə'beːt]
    nt -(e)s, -e

    ein Gebét sprechento say a prayer

    sein Gebét sprechen or verrichten — to say one's prayers

    das Gebét des Herrn — the Lord's Prayer

    die Hände zum Gebét falten — to join one's hands in prayer

    jdn ins Gebét nehmen (fig)to take sb to task; (iro: bei Polizeiverhör etc) to put the pressure on sb

    * * *
    <-[e]s, -e>
    nt (religiöses Ritual) prayer
    ein \Gebet sprechen to say a prayer
    sein \Gebet sprechen [o verrichten] to say one's prayers
    zum \Gebet in prayer
    den Kopf zum \Gebet neigen to lower one's head in prayer
    das \Gebet des Herrn (geh) the Lord's Prayer
    jdn ins \Gebet nehmen (fam) to give sb a good talking to, to take sb to task
    * * *
    das; Gebet[e]s, Gebete prayer

    jemanden ins Gebet nehmen(ugs.) give somebody a dressing down; take somebody to task

    * * *
    Gebet n; -(e)s, -e prayer (
    an +akk oder
    zu to);
    beim Gebet at (US in) prayer;
    sein Gebet verrichten say one’s prayers;
    jemanden ins Gebet nehmen umg, fig give sb a good talking-to
    * * *
    das; Gebet[e]s, Gebete prayer

    jemanden ins Gebet nehmen(ugs.) give somebody a dressing down; take somebody to task

    * * *
    -e n.
    prayer n.
    supplication n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Gebet

  • 4 plegaria

    * * *
    1 prayer
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino prayer
    * * *
    = prayer.
    Ex. Finally, add the mass confusion wrought by the sudden appearance of a new technology in the library, with its practitioners chanting acronymic prayers, seemingly derived from a mushroom ritual.
    * * *
    femenino prayer
    * * *

    Ex: Finally, add the mass confusion wrought by the sudden appearance of a new technology in the library, with its practitioners chanting acronymic prayers, seemingly derived from a mushroom ritual.

    * * *
    * * *

    Del verbo plegar: ( conjugate plegar)

    plegaría es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) condicional indicativo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) condicional indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    plegar ( conjugate plegar) verbo transitivo papel to fold;
    silla to fold up
    plegarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( ceder) to yield, submit;
    plegariase A algo to yield to sth, submit to sth
    2 (AmS) ( unirse) to join in;
    plegariase A algo to join sth
    plegaria sustantivo femenino
    plegar verbo transitivo to fold
    plegaria sustantivo femenino prayer, supplication
    ' plegaria' also found in these entries:
    - rezo
    * * *
    * * *
    f prayer
    * * *
    oración: prayer

    Spanish-English dictionary > plegaria

  • 5 युज्

    1) (cf. 2. yu cl. 7. P. Ā. Dhātup. XXIX, 7) yunákti, yuṅkté (ep. alsoᅠ yuñjati, - te;

    Ved. yojati, - te;
    yuje, yujmahe, 3. pl. yujata Impv. yukshvá;
    Pot. yuñjīyāt R. ;
    pf. yuyója, yuyujé RV. etc. etc., 3. sg. yuyojate RV. VIII, 70, 7 ;
    aor. Class. P. ayokshīt, ayaukshīt orᅠ ayujat;
    Ved. alsoᅠ Ā. áyuji;
    Ved. and Class. ayukshi, ayukta;
    fut. yoktā́ Br. ;
    yokshyati ib. ;
    - te AV. etc. etc.;
    inf. yoktum Br. ;
    yujé RV. ;
    ind. p. yuktvā́ ib. etc. etc.;
    yuktvā́ya RV. Br. ;
    - yujya MBh. etc.), to yoke orᅠ join orᅠ fasten orᅠ harness (horses orᅠ a chariot) RV. etc. etc.;
    to make ready, prepare, arrange, fit out, set to work, use, employ, apply ib. ;
    to equip (an army) R. ;
    to offer, perform (prayers, a sacrifice) BhP. ;
    to put on (arrows on a bow-string) MBh. ;
    to fix in, insert, inject (semen) ṠBr. ;
    to appoint to, charge orᅠ intrust with (loc. orᅠ dat.) MBh. VP. ;
    to command, enjoin BhP. ;
    to turn orᅠ direct orᅠ fix orᅠ concentrate (the mind, thoughts etc.) upon (loc.) TS. etc. etc.;
    (P. Ā.) to concentrate the mind in order to obtain union with the Universal Spirit., be absorbed in meditation ( alsoᅠ with yogam) MaitrUp. Bhag. etc.;
    to recollect, recall MBh. ;
    to join, unite, connect, add, bring together RV. etc. etc. (Ā. to be attached, cleave to Hariv.);
    to confer, orᅠ bestow anything (acc.) upon (gen. orᅠ loc.) BhP. MārkP. (Ā. with acc., to become possessed of MBh. ;
    with ātmani, to use for one's self, enjoy Mn. VI, 12);
    to bring into possession of, furnish orᅠ endow with (instr.) Mn. MBh. R. etc.. ;
    to join one's self to (acc.) RV. ;
    (in astron.) to come into union orᅠ conjunction with (acc.) VarBṛS.:
    Pass. yujyáte (ep. alsoᅠ - ti;
    aor. áyoji), to be yoked orᅠ harnessed orᅠ joined etc. RV. etc. etc.;
    to attach one's self to (loc.) Hit. ;
    to be made ready orᅠ prepared for (dat.) Bhag. ;
    to be united in marriage Gaut. MBh. ;
    to be endowed with orᅠ possessed of (instr. with orᅠ without saha) Mn. MBh. etc.;
    (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.) VarBṛS. ;
    to accrue to, fall to the lot of (gen.) Pañcat. ;
    to be fit orᅠ proper orᅠ suitable orᅠ right, suit anything (instr.), be fitted for (loc.), belong to orᅠ suit any one (loc. orᅠ gen.), deserve to be (nom.) Mn. MBh. etc.;
    (with na) not to be fit orᅠ proper etc. for (instr.) orᅠ to (inf., alsoᅠ with pass. sense = « ought not to be») Kāv. Kathās. Pañcat.:
    Caus. yojayati (m. c. alsoᅠ - te;
    aor. ayūyujat;
    Pass. yojyate), to harness, yoke with (instr.), put to (loc.) Kauṡ. MBh. etc.;
    to equip (an army), draw up (troops) MBh. R. etc.;
    to use, employ, set to work, apply, undertake, carry on, perform, accomplish Mn. MBh. etc.;
    to urge orᅠ impel to Bhartṛ. Prab. ;
    to lead towards, help to (loc.) Sarvad. ;
    to set (snares, nets etc.) MBh. Hit. ;
    to put orᅠ fix on (esp. arrows) ĀṡvGṛ. MBh. etc.;
    to aim (arrows) at (loc.) R. ;
    to fasten on orᅠ in, attack, adjust, add, insert Kauṡ. Kāv. Pur. ;
    (with manas, ātmānam etc.) to direct the thoughts to, concentrate orᅠ fix the mind upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. ;
    to join, unite, connect, combine, bring orᅠ put together ( alsoᅠ = write, compose) R. Var. Rājat. etc.;
    to encompass, embrace MBh. ;
    to put in order, arrange, repair, restore Rājat. ;
    to endow orᅠ furnish orᅠ provide with (instr.) MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    to mix (food) with (instr.) Mn. VII, 218 ;
    to confer anything upon (loc.) BhP. ;
    (in astron.) to ascertain orᅠ know ( jānāti) the conjunction of the moon with an asterism (instr.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 26 Vārtt. 11 Pat. ;
    (Ā.) to think little of, esteem lightly, despise Vop. in Dhātup. XXXIII, 36:
    Desid. yuyukshati, to wish to harness orᅠ yoke orᅠ join etc.;
    to wish to appoint orᅠ institute MBh. ;
    to wish to fix orᅠ aim (arrows) BhP. ;
    (Ā.) to wish to be absorbed in meditation, devout Bhaṭṭ.:
    Intens. yoyujyate, yoyujīti orᅠ yoyokti
    + Gr. cf. Gk. ζεύγνυμι, ζυγόν;
    Lat. jungere, jugum;
    Lith. júngus;
    Slav. igo;
    Goth. juk;
    Germ. joh, ñoch;
    Angl. Sax. geoc;
    Eng. yoke
    2) mfn. (mostly ifc.;

    when uncompounded, the strong cases have a nasal
    e.g.. nom. yuṅ, yuñjau, yuñjas, but aṡva-yuk etc. Pāṇ. 7-1, 71)
    joined, yoked, harnessed, drawn by RV. etc. etc.
    (cf. aṡva-, hari-, hayôttama-yuj);
    furnished orᅠ provided orᅠ filled with, affected by, possessed of (instr., mostly comp.) MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    bestowing, granting (e.g.. kāma-yuj, « granting wishes») Hariv. ;
    exciting, an exciter (e.g.. yuṇbhiyaḥ, an excñexciter of fear) Bhaṭṭ. ;
    being in couples orᅠ pairs, even (not odd orᅠ separate) Lāṭy. Mn. MBh. etc.;
    m. a yoke-fellow, companion, comrade, associate RV. AV. Br. ;
    a sage who devotes his time to abstract contemplation W. ;
    a pair, couple, the number « two» Pañcar. ;
    du. the two Aṡvins L. ;
    (in astron.) the zodiacal sign Gemini

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > युज्

  • 6 συνυπουργέω

    συνυπουργέω (Hippocr.; Lucian, Bis Acc. 17; TestSol 22, 8) join in helping, co-operate with τινί by means of someth. συνυπουργούντων ὑμῶν ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν τῇ δεήσει while you join in helping us by your prayers 2 Cor 1:11.—DELG s.v. ἔργον.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > συνυπουργέω

  • 7 זקק

    זָקַק(b. h.; cmp. זכך a. דקק) (to make thin, fine, clear, 1) to distil, smelt, v. Pi. 2) (cmp. צָרַף) to rivet, forge; to chain, to join; to bind, obligate.Part. pass. זָקוּק, f. זְקוּקָה; pl. זְקוּקִים, זְקוּקִין, f. זְקוּקוֹת, with ל chained to, connected with, dependent on. Men.27a העושין פירות יהיו ז׳וכ׳ the fruit-bearing species of the festive wreath shall be combined with those which bear no fruits. Y.Ber.VI, 10a bot. כשהיו כולן ז׳וכ׳ when they were, all of them, dependent on one loaf (for saying grace). Pesik. R. s. 43 כנגד שלש … זקוקות להן (not זקוקין) corresponding to the three laws for which, our Rabbis taught, women are made responsible (Sabb.II, 6). Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a top ז׳ למלכות in constant intercourse with the government.Num. R. s. 9 לשנים היא זקוקה she is responsible to two (her husband and the Lord).Shebu.VI, 3. נכסים … זוֹקְקִיןוכ׳ movable chattel binds the immovable with reference to the obligation of making oath, i. e. the two claims preferred in one suit are considered as one lawsuit, and the oath must refer to both; Y.Keth.XII, 36a bot. (read:) לזוֹקְקָן לשבועה to combine the two (as one lawsuit) with regard to the oath. Yeb.II, 5 זוֹקֵק אתוכ׳ he holds his brothers wife tied to the leviratical marriage, i. e. she cannot marry otherwise until released from him; a. fr. V. זִיקָה. Nif. נִזְקַק (cmp. זָוַג Nithpa.) 1) to join, meet; to be engaged in. Gen. R. s. 20 מעולם לא נ׳וכ׳ the Lord never engaged in communication with woman. Ib. s. 42; Pesik. R. s. 5; a. e. נ׳ המלךוכ׳ the king was attached to, took an interest in the affairs of the country. Sabb.12b אין מ״ה נִזְקָקִין לו the angels do not attend to his prayers.( 2) (in a hostile sense) to attack. Gen. R. l. c. באו ברברים לִיוָּקֵק לו (Pesik. R. l. c.; Ruth R. introd., a. e. להִזְדַּוֵּוג) Barbarians came to attack him. 3) to live with; to be coupled. Ruth R. to IV, 3 ע״מ שלא אֶזָּקֵק לה with the condition that I will not live with her. Gen. R. s. 20 איני נִזְקֶקֶתוכ׳ I shall never again live with Pesik. R. s. 15; Pesik. Haḥod., p. 43b> שיהא אדם נִזְקָק לביתו in order that man be attached to his house (love his wife); Yalk Ps. 738; a. e. Hif. הִזְקִיק to oblige. Succ.28a חִזְקַקְתּוּנִיוכ׳ will you force me to say ? Hof. הוּזְקָק to be made dependent on, to obligate ones self, to be obliged to regard. B. Bath. 170a אם הוּזְקָקוּוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. אם כתוב בו הוּזְקַקְנוּ) if they (the parties to the deed) bound themselves to depend on the signatures of witnesses, (ed. if it was written in the document, we obligate ourselves). Nithpa. נִזְרַּקֵּק 1) to be engaged in, to care. Tanḥ. Korah 6 לא נִזְדַּקְּקוּ לחשיבו (Yalk. Num. 750 נִזְקָקוּ) they did not care to answer him. 2) to attach ones self to, to make love to. Num. R. s. 9. 3) (in an evil sense) to get at, to harm. Ib. s. 5 בקש להִזְדּקֵּק להם wanted to harm them. Pi. זִיקֵּק (b. h.) to smelt, refine, distil. Lev. R. s. 31 עד שמְזַקְּקוֹ until he has refined the gold.Part. pass. מְזוּקָּק, f. מְזוּקֶּקֶת. Pesik. R. s. 14 התורה … ומז׳וכ׳ the Torah is clarified and distilled in forty nine ways. 2) to chain, tie, connect.Part. pass. as ab. Y. Ḥag.3, beg.78d במז׳ לקדש it treats of an object which is tied (has been made subject) to the law regulating sacred matter, i. e. treated as if it were sacred matter, v. טָהֳרָה.

    Jewish literature > זקק

  • 8 זָקַק

    זָקַק(b. h.; cmp. זכך a. דקק) (to make thin, fine, clear, 1) to distil, smelt, v. Pi. 2) (cmp. צָרַף) to rivet, forge; to chain, to join; to bind, obligate.Part. pass. זָקוּק, f. זְקוּקָה; pl. זְקוּקִים, זְקוּקִין, f. זְקוּקוֹת, with ל chained to, connected with, dependent on. Men.27a העושין פירות יהיו ז׳וכ׳ the fruit-bearing species of the festive wreath shall be combined with those which bear no fruits. Y.Ber.VI, 10a bot. כשהיו כולן ז׳וכ׳ when they were, all of them, dependent on one loaf (for saying grace). Pesik. R. s. 43 כנגד שלש … זקוקות להן (not זקוקין) corresponding to the three laws for which, our Rabbis taught, women are made responsible (Sabb.II, 6). Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a top ז׳ למלכות in constant intercourse with the government.Num. R. s. 9 לשנים היא זקוקה she is responsible to two (her husband and the Lord).Shebu.VI, 3. נכסים … זוֹקְקִיןוכ׳ movable chattel binds the immovable with reference to the obligation of making oath, i. e. the two claims preferred in one suit are considered as one lawsuit, and the oath must refer to both; Y.Keth.XII, 36a bot. (read:) לזוֹקְקָן לשבועה to combine the two (as one lawsuit) with regard to the oath. Yeb.II, 5 זוֹקֵק אתוכ׳ he holds his brothers wife tied to the leviratical marriage, i. e. she cannot marry otherwise until released from him; a. fr. V. זִיקָה. Nif. נִזְקַק (cmp. זָוַג Nithpa.) 1) to join, meet; to be engaged in. Gen. R. s. 20 מעולם לא נ׳וכ׳ the Lord never engaged in communication with woman. Ib. s. 42; Pesik. R. s. 5; a. e. נ׳ המלךוכ׳ the king was attached to, took an interest in the affairs of the country. Sabb.12b אין מ״ה נִזְקָקִין לו the angels do not attend to his prayers.( 2) (in a hostile sense) to attack. Gen. R. l. c. באו ברברים לִיוָּקֵק לו (Pesik. R. l. c.; Ruth R. introd., a. e. להִזְדַּוֵּוג) Barbarians came to attack him. 3) to live with; to be coupled. Ruth R. to IV, 3 ע״מ שלא אֶזָּקֵק לה with the condition that I will not live with her. Gen. R. s. 20 איני נִזְקֶקֶתוכ׳ I shall never again live with Pesik. R. s. 15; Pesik. Haḥod., p. 43b> שיהא אדם נִזְקָק לביתו in order that man be attached to his house (love his wife); Yalk Ps. 738; a. e. Hif. הִזְקִיק to oblige. Succ.28a חִזְקַקְתּוּנִיוכ׳ will you force me to say ? Hof. הוּזְקָק to be made dependent on, to obligate ones self, to be obliged to regard. B. Bath. 170a אם הוּזְקָקוּוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. אם כתוב בו הוּזְקַקְנוּ) if they (the parties to the deed) bound themselves to depend on the signatures of witnesses, (ed. if it was written in the document, we obligate ourselves). Nithpa. נִזְרַּקֵּק 1) to be engaged in, to care. Tanḥ. Korah 6 לא נִזְדַּקְּקוּ לחשיבו (Yalk. Num. 750 נִזְקָקוּ) they did not care to answer him. 2) to attach ones self to, to make love to. Num. R. s. 9. 3) (in an evil sense) to get at, to harm. Ib. s. 5 בקש להִזְדּקֵּק להם wanted to harm them. Pi. זִיקֵּק (b. h.) to smelt, refine, distil. Lev. R. s. 31 עד שמְזַקְּקוֹ until he has refined the gold.Part. pass. מְזוּקָּק, f. מְזוּקֶּקֶת. Pesik. R. s. 14 התורה … ומז׳וכ׳ the Torah is clarified and distilled in forty nine ways. 2) to chain, tie, connect.Part. pass. as ab. Y. Ḥag.3, beg.78d במז׳ לקדש it treats of an object which is tied (has been made subject) to the law regulating sacred matter, i. e. treated as if it were sacred matter, v. טָהֳרָה.

    Jewish literature > זָקַק

  • 9 צרף

    צָרַף(b. h.; cmp. צרב) (to press, shrink, 1) to smelt, melt; trnsf. to refine, purify, try. Y.Keth.VII, end, 31d; Tosef. ib. VII, 11 צוֹרֵף נחשת, v. infra. Yoma 72b (ref. to Ps. 18:31) זכה משמחתו … צוֹרַפְתּוֹ if he deserves well, she (the Torah) cheers him; if not, she smelts him (through trials); צורפתו לחיים she steels him for life; צורפתו למיתה she smelts him for death. Yalk. Ex. 391 דרשתי … צָרַפְתִּי ובחנתיוכ׳ I studied and searched, refined and tested ; a. fr. 2) to tighten, harden. Yoma l. c., v. supra. Y.Yeb.XVI, 15d top שצְרָפַתּוֹ Var., v. צָפַד. 3) to change, v. infra. Pl. צֵרֵף 1) to smelt. Keth.VII, 10 (among the occupations to which a wife may object) מְצָרֵף נחושת, expl. ib. 77a חשלי דודי, v. חַשְׁלָא; anoth. opin. מחתך נחושתוכ׳, v. חָתַךְ; Tosef. ib. l. c. זה מתיךוכ׳ he that casts bronze.Trnsf. to refine. Gen. R. s. 44 (ref. to צרופה, Ps. 18:31) לא נתנו המצות אלא לצָרֵףוכ׳ the (ceremonial) laws have been given for the purpose of refining (disciplining) men through them. Ib. שצֵרְפוֹהקב״הוכ׳ (Abraham) whom the Lord tried in the furnace of fire. Ib. (ref. to צֹרֵף, Is. 41:7) זה אברהם שצרפווכ׳ that means Abraham, whom the Lord tried ; (Yalk. Is. 313 שנִצְרַף, Nif.). 2) to tighten, harden. Makhsh. V, 7 המוליך … לצָרְפָהּ if one takes a ship out to sea for the sake of tightening it; מוציא מסמר … לצָרְפוֹ if one takes a (glowing) nail in the rain for the sake of hardening it; Tosef. ib. II, 16 בשביל לצוֹרְפוֹ. Tosef.Kel.B. Kam.III, 13 צֵרְפָןאפי׳וכ׳ (or צְרָפָן) if he hardened (baked) them (the earthen vessels) even in a peat fire. Bets.32a משיְצָרְפוֹ בכבשן (Ms. M. משישרפו) from the time be baked it in the kiln. B. Mets.84a (of iron weapons) משיְצָרְפֵם בכבשן when he has hardened them in the furnace, v. צִחְצֵחַ; a. e. 3) (to melt together, weld,) to combine, join. Maasr. II, 5 ואם צֵרַף (Y. ed. צירף) if he combined (ate them together). Y.Pes.III, 30a top שני … אין הבית מְצָרף if two pieces (of leavened matter), each half the size of an olive, are in the same room, the room does not join them (so as to be counted one olive-size); if in one vessel, הכלי מצרף the vessel joins them. Kidd.40a, a. e. מְצָרְפָהּ למעשה, v. מַחֲשָׁבָה; a. fr. 4) to change small for large coin, opp. פָּרַט. Maas. Sh. IV, 2 כמות … שהיא מצרף as the banker counts when he gives small change for large coins, not as he counts when giving large coins for small change; Tosef. ib. III, 3 המְצָרֵיף … שמצריף ed. Zuck. (Var. המצרף … מצטרף) if one buys a gold Denar for coins designated for second tithes, he must count as the banker would when selling small change, not as he would, when buying large change. Shek. II, 1 מְצָרְפִין, v. דַּרְכּוֹן. Y.B. Mets.IV, end, 9d לצוֹרְפָהּ … מְצָרְפָהּ ביפה if he wants to change the defective coin to be spent in Jerusalem, he must exchange it as if it were of full value (v. Bab. ib. 52b); a. fr.Sifré Deut. 48 אחד מצרף דינר ואוכלו ואחד מצ׳ דינר ומניחו one gathers a gold Denar and spends it, and another changes his accumulation for a gold Denar and puts it away; Yalk. ib. 873, v. סָגַל. Nif. נִצְרַף 1) to be smelted, tried. Yalk. Is. 313, v. supra. Midr. Till. to Ps. 119:81 כבר נִצְרַפְנוּ we have already been tried. 2) to be hardened. Kel. IV, 4 משיִצָרְפוּ בכבשן when they have been baked in the kiln; Tosef. ib. B. Kam.III, 13 משיִצְטָרְפוּ. Hithpa. הִצְטָרֵף 1) same, v. supra. 2) to be joined, combined, counted in. Naz.35b, a. e. אין היתר מִצְטָרֵף לאיסור a permitted thing is not to be joined to a forbidden thing, i. e. if one ate simultaneously, one half of the legal size each, of a permitted and of a forbidden thing, the two must not be counted together to make up the legal size. Ib. 4a מִצְטָרְפִים זה עם זה they are counted together. Ib. VI, 1. Ber.47b תשעה ועבד מִצְטָרְפִין nine freemen and one slave may be combined (to make up the requisite number of ten for prayers). Ib. שנים ושבת מצט׳ two persons (at meal) and the Sabbath may be combined (count for three persons); מצט׳ … שנית״ח two scholars (at meal) who are engaged in discussion are counted as three. Mikv. III, 4 מצט׳ are combined to make up the legally required quantity of water; a. fr.Tosef.Maas. Sh. III, 3, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > צרף

  • 10 צָרַף

    צָרַף(b. h.; cmp. צרב) (to press, shrink, 1) to smelt, melt; trnsf. to refine, purify, try. Y.Keth.VII, end, 31d; Tosef. ib. VII, 11 צוֹרֵף נחשת, v. infra. Yoma 72b (ref. to Ps. 18:31) זכה משמחתו … צוֹרַפְתּוֹ if he deserves well, she (the Torah) cheers him; if not, she smelts him (through trials); צורפתו לחיים she steels him for life; צורפתו למיתה she smelts him for death. Yalk. Ex. 391 דרשתי … צָרַפְתִּי ובחנתיוכ׳ I studied and searched, refined and tested ; a. fr. 2) to tighten, harden. Yoma l. c., v. supra. Y.Yeb.XVI, 15d top שצְרָפַתּוֹ Var., v. צָפַד. 3) to change, v. infra. Pl. צֵרֵף 1) to smelt. Keth.VII, 10 (among the occupations to which a wife may object) מְצָרֵף נחושת, expl. ib. 77a חשלי דודי, v. חַשְׁלָא; anoth. opin. מחתך נחושתוכ׳, v. חָתַךְ; Tosef. ib. l. c. זה מתיךוכ׳ he that casts bronze.Trnsf. to refine. Gen. R. s. 44 (ref. to צרופה, Ps. 18:31) לא נתנו המצות אלא לצָרֵףוכ׳ the (ceremonial) laws have been given for the purpose of refining (disciplining) men through them. Ib. שצֵרְפוֹהקב״הוכ׳ (Abraham) whom the Lord tried in the furnace of fire. Ib. (ref. to צֹרֵף, Is. 41:7) זה אברהם שצרפווכ׳ that means Abraham, whom the Lord tried ; (Yalk. Is. 313 שנִצְרַף, Nif.). 2) to tighten, harden. Makhsh. V, 7 המוליך … לצָרְפָהּ if one takes a ship out to sea for the sake of tightening it; מוציא מסמר … לצָרְפוֹ if one takes a (glowing) nail in the rain for the sake of hardening it; Tosef. ib. II, 16 בשביל לצוֹרְפוֹ. Tosef.Kel.B. Kam.III, 13 צֵרְפָןאפי׳וכ׳ (or צְרָפָן) if he hardened (baked) them (the earthen vessels) even in a peat fire. Bets.32a משיְצָרְפוֹ בכבשן (Ms. M. משישרפו) from the time be baked it in the kiln. B. Mets.84a (of iron weapons) משיְצָרְפֵם בכבשן when he has hardened them in the furnace, v. צִחְצֵחַ; a. e. 3) (to melt together, weld,) to combine, join. Maasr. II, 5 ואם צֵרַף (Y. ed. צירף) if he combined (ate them together). Y.Pes.III, 30a top שני … אין הבית מְצָרף if two pieces (of leavened matter), each half the size of an olive, are in the same room, the room does not join them (so as to be counted one olive-size); if in one vessel, הכלי מצרף the vessel joins them. Kidd.40a, a. e. מְצָרְפָהּ למעשה, v. מַחֲשָׁבָה; a. fr. 4) to change small for large coin, opp. פָּרַט. Maas. Sh. IV, 2 כמות … שהיא מצרף as the banker counts when he gives small change for large coins, not as he counts when giving large coins for small change; Tosef. ib. III, 3 המְצָרֵיף … שמצריף ed. Zuck. (Var. המצרף … מצטרף) if one buys a gold Denar for coins designated for second tithes, he must count as the banker would when selling small change, not as he would, when buying large change. Shek. II, 1 מְצָרְפִין, v. דַּרְכּוֹן. Y.B. Mets.IV, end, 9d לצוֹרְפָהּ … מְצָרְפָהּ ביפה if he wants to change the defective coin to be spent in Jerusalem, he must exchange it as if it were of full value (v. Bab. ib. 52b); a. fr.Sifré Deut. 48 אחד מצרף דינר ואוכלו ואחד מצ׳ דינר ומניחו one gathers a gold Denar and spends it, and another changes his accumulation for a gold Denar and puts it away; Yalk. ib. 873, v. סָגַל. Nif. נִצְרַף 1) to be smelted, tried. Yalk. Is. 313, v. supra. Midr. Till. to Ps. 119:81 כבר נִצְרַפְנוּ we have already been tried. 2) to be hardened. Kel. IV, 4 משיִצָרְפוּ בכבשן when they have been baked in the kiln; Tosef. ib. B. Kam.III, 13 משיִצְטָרְפוּ. Hithpa. הִצְטָרֵף 1) same, v. supra. 2) to be joined, combined, counted in. Naz.35b, a. e. אין היתר מִצְטָרֵף לאיסור a permitted thing is not to be joined to a forbidden thing, i. e. if one ate simultaneously, one half of the legal size each, of a permitted and of a forbidden thing, the two must not be counted together to make up the legal size. Ib. 4a מִצְטָרְפִים זה עם זה they are counted together. Ib. VI, 1. Ber.47b תשעה ועבד מִצְטָרְפִין nine freemen and one slave may be combined (to make up the requisite number of ten for prayers). Ib. שנים ושבת מצט׳ two persons (at meal) and the Sabbath may be combined (count for three persons); מצט׳ … שנית״ח two scholars (at meal) who are engaged in discussion are counted as three. Mikv. III, 4 מצט׳ are combined to make up the legally required quantity of water; a. fr.Tosef.Maas. Sh. III, 3, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > צָרַף

  • 11 schließen

    (beenden) to end; to close;
    (folgern) to conclude; to infer; to gather;
    (vereinbaren) to form; to come to;
    (zumachen) to close; to shut; to fasten; to close down;
    sich schließen
    to close up
    * * *
    schlie|ßen ['ʃliːsn] pret schlo\#ss [ʃlɔs] ptp geschlo\#ssen [gə'ʃlɔsn]
    1. vt
    1) (= zumachen) to close, to shut; (= verriegeln) to bolt; (= Betrieb einstellen) to close or shut down; Stromkreis to close

    seine Pforten schlíéßen — to close its doors

    eine Lücke schlíéßen (lit) — to close a gap; (fig auch) to fill a gap

    die Reihen schlíéßen (Mil)to close ranks

    2) (= beenden) Versammlung to close, to conclude, to wind up; Brief to conclude, to close; (COMPUT) Datei, Programm to close
    3) (= eingehen) Vertrag to conclude; Frieden to make; Bündnis to enter into; Freundschaft to form

    (geh: = umfassen) schlíéßen (lit, fig) — to contain sth, to include sth; (indirekt) to imply sth

    jdn in die Arme schlíéßen — to embrace sb

    lass dich in die Arme schlíéßen — let me embrace you

    jdn/etw in sein Herz schlíéßen — to take sb/sth to one's heart


    (= befestigen) schlíéßen — to fasten sth to sth

    2. vr
    (= zugehen) to close, to shut; (Wunde) to close; (fig geh Wunde) to heal

    sich um etw schlíéßen — to close around sth

    3. vi
    1) (= zugehen) to close, to shut; (= Betrieb einstellen) to close or shut down; (Schlüssel) to fit

    "geschlossen" — "closed"

    2) (= enden) to close, to conclude; (ST EX) to close

    leider muss ich jetzt schlíéßen (in Brief)I'm afraid I must conclude or close now

    die Börse schloss fester/schwächer — the market closed stronger/weaker

    3) (= schlussfolgern) to infer

    schlíéßen — to infer sth from sth

    schlíéßen lassen — to indicate sth, to suggest sth

    von sich auf andere schlíéßen — to judge others by one's own standards

    → auch geschlossen
    * * *
    1) (to fix or join (together): Fasten the gate!; She fastened a flower to the front of her dress; He fastened his eyes upon her face.) fasten
    2) (to make or become shut, often by bringing together two parts so as to cover an opening: The baby closed his eyes; Close the door; The shops close on Sundays.) close
    3) (to come or bring to an end: to conclude a meeting; He concluded by thanking everyone.) conclude
    4) (to promise (in marriage).) contract
    5) (to move (a door, window, lid etc) so that it covers or fills an opening; to move (a drawer, book etc) so that it is no longer open: Shut that door, please!; Shut your eyes and don't look.) shut
    6) (to close and usually lock (a building etc) eg at the end of the day or when people no longer work there: The shops all shut at half past five; There's a rumour that the factory is going to be shut.) shut
    7) (to close and lock: It's time to shut up the shop.) shut up
    8) (to argue; to work out after some thought: She reasoned that if he had caught the 6.30 p.m. train, he would not be home before 8.00.) reason
    9) (to end: I think it's time to wind the meeting up.) wind up
    * * *
    <schloss, geschlossen>
    I. vi
    1. (zugehen) to close
    die Tür schließt nicht richtig the door doesn't close properly
    3. (Betrieb einstellen) to close [or shut] [down]
    [mit etw dat] \schließen to close [or end] [with sth]
    der Vorsitzende schloss mit den Worten... the chairman closed by saying...
    [aus etw dat [o von etw dat]] [auf etw akk] \schließen to conclude [or infer] [sth] [from sth]
    von jdm auf jdn \schließen to judge sb by sb's standards
    du solltest nicht immer von dir auf andere \schließen! you shouldn't project your character on others
    vom Besonderen auf das Allgemeine \schließen to proceed inductively
    etw lässt auf etw akk \schließen sth indicates [or suggests] sth
    6. BÖRSE to close
    fest/schwächer \schließen to finish higher/lower
    flau \schließen to leave off flat
    die Börse schloss heute freundlich the stock exchange closed up on the day
    II. vt
    1. (geh: zumachen)
    etw \schließen to close [or shut] sth
    eine geschlossene Anstalt a top-security mental hospital
    ein hinten geschlossenes Kleid a dress that fastens at the back
    etw \schließen to close sth
    etw \schließen to close sth
    einen Betrieb/Laden \schließen to close down a factory/shop
    5. (geh: beenden)
    etw \schließen to close [or conclude] sth, to bring sth to a close form, to wind sth up
    die Verhandlung ist geschlossen! the proceedings are closed!
    [mit jdm] ein Abkommen \schließen to come to an agreement [with sb]
    ein Bündnis \schließen to enter into [or form] an alliance
    eine Ehe \schließen to get married
    Freundschaft \schließen to become friends
    Frieden \schließen to make peace
    einen Kompromiss \schließen to reach a compromise
    einen Pakt \schließen to make a pact
    etw \schließen to fill sth
    eine Lücke \schließen to fill a gap
    die Reihen \schließen MIL to close ranks
    etw [aus etw dat] \schließen to conclude [or infer] sth [from sth]
    [aus etw dat] \schließen, dass... to conclude [or infer] [from sth] that...
    9. (geh: beinhalten)
    etw in sich dat \schließen to imply sth
    etw in etw akk \schließen to lock sth away in sth sep
    etw an etw akk \schließen to lock sth up to sth sep
    etw an etw akk \schließen to follow sth up with sth sep
    jdn in die Arme \schließen to take sb in one's arms
    jdn [mit] ins Gebet \schließen to include sb in one's prayers; s.a. Arm, Herz
    III. vr
    sich akk \schließen to close, to shut
    die Türen \schließen sich automatisch the doors close automatically
    sich akk um etw akk \schließen to close around sth
    sich akk an etw akk \schließen to follow sth
    an die Filmvorführung schloss sich eine Diskussion mit dem Regisseur an after the showing there was a discussion with the film's director
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (zumachen) close; shut; put the top on < bottle>; turn off < tap>; fasten <belt, bracelet>; do up <button, zip>; close <street, route, electrical circuit>; close off < pipe>; (fig.) close < border>; fill, close < gap>
    2) (unzugänglich machen) close, shut <shop, factory>; (außer Betrieb setzen) close [down] <shop, school>

    etwas/jemanden/sich in etwas (Akk.) schließen — lock something/somebody/oneself in something

    4) (beenden) close <meeting, proceedings, debate>; end, conclude <letter, speech, lecture>

    etwas an etwas (Akk.) schließen — connect something to something; (mit Schloss) lock something to something

    6) (eingehen, vereinbaren) conclude <treaty, pact, ceasefire, agreement>; reach <settlement, compromise>; enter into < contract>

    jemanden in die Arme schließen — take somebody in one's arms; embrace somebody

    etwas aus etwas schließeninfer or conclude something from something

    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) close; shut

    der Schlüssel/das Schloss schließt schlecht — the key won't turn properly/the lock doesn't work properly

    2) < shop> close, shut; < stock exchange> close; (den Betrieb einstellen) close [down]
    3) (enden) end; conclude

    [aus etwas] auf etwas (Akk.) schließen — infer or conclude something [from something]

    unregelmäßiges reflexives Verb <door, window> close, shut; <wound, circle> close; < flower> close [up]
    * * *
    schließen; schließt, schloss, hat geschlossen
    A. v/t
    1. (zumachen) close, shut;
    die Augen schließen shut ( oder close) one’s eyes; euph (sterben) close one’s eyes for ever;
    das Kleid/die Bluse/den Reißverschluss schließen do up one’s dress/one’s blouse/the zip(per); Lücke
    2. (einschließen etc) mit Schlüssel: lock; mit Riegel: bolt;
    jemanden in eine Zelle schließen shut sb up in a cell;
    einen Hund an die Kette schließen put a dog on the chain;
    das Geld in die Schublade schließen lock the money away ( oder up) in the drawer; Herz1 8
    3. (Betrieb, Laden, Schule etc) close; für immer oder langfristig: auch shut ( oder close) down; (Stromkreis) close
    4. fig (Bündnis) form, enter into; (Vergleich) reach, come to;
    mit to); als Priester etc (trauen) marry a couple;
    Freundschaft schließen mit make friends with;
    Frieden schließen make peace;
    lass uns Frieden schließen let’s make peace, let’s let bygones be bygones;
    einen Vertrag schließen make a contract; POL sign a treaty ( oder an agreement)
    5. (beenden) close, end, conclude; (Brief, Rede) auch wind up (
    mit den Worten by saying); (Debatte, Versammlung) close
    etwas an etwas schließen fig follow sth up with sth
    B. v/i
    1. (zumachen) shut, close; Betrieb etc: close ( oder shut) down;
    tut mir leid - wir schließen gleich I am sorry - we are about to close; Schloss, Schlüssel: close, shut;
    der Schlüssel schließt nicht the key won’t turn properly;
    das Schloss schließt etwas schwer the lock’s a bit stiff;
    das Fenster schließt schlecht the window won’t close properly;
    die Tür schließt von selbst the door closes automatically ( oder by itself);
    Vorsicht, Türen schließen automatisch BAHN Caution automatic doors
    2. (enden) (come to a) close; bei einer Rede etc A 2;
    damit möchte ich schließen that is all I have to say;
    schließen mit BÖRSE close at
    3. (folgern) conclude;
    ich schließe daraus, dass … I conclude ( oder take it) from this that …;
    kann ich daraus schließen, dass … auch do I take it (from this) that …;
    von etwas auf etwas schließen infer ( oder deduce) sth from sth;
    von sich auf andere schließen judge others by o.s.;
    auf etwas schließen lassen suggest ( oder point to) sth;
    es lässt darauf schließen, dass … it would suggest ( oder point to the fact) that …
    C. v/r
    1. close, shut; Wunde: close (up); Blüte: close;
    die Tür schließt sich automatisch the door closes automatically;
    seine Hände schlossen sich um i-n Hals his hands closed around her throat
    an den Vortrag schloss sich ein Dokumentarfilm the lecture was followed by a documentary;
    an das Grundstück schließt sich ein Parkplatz there is a car park (US parking lot) adjoining ( oder next to) the site; Kreis 1
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (zumachen) close; shut; put the top on < bottle>; turn off < tap>; fasten <belt, bracelet>; do up <button, zip>; close <street, route, electrical circuit>; close off < pipe>; (fig.) close < border>; fill, close < gap>
    2) (unzugänglich machen) close, shut <shop, factory>; (außer Betrieb setzen) close [down] <shop, school>

    etwas/jemanden/sich in etwas (Akk.) schließen — lock something/somebody/oneself in something

    4) (beenden) close <meeting, proceedings, debate>; end, conclude <letter, speech, lecture>

    etwas an etwas (Akk.) schließen — connect something to something; (mit Schloss) lock something to something

    6) (eingehen, vereinbaren) conclude <treaty, pact, ceasefire, agreement>; reach <settlement, compromise>; enter into < contract>

    jemanden in die Arme schließen — take somebody in one's arms; embrace somebody

    etwas aus etwas schließeninfer or conclude something from something

    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) close; shut

    der Schlüssel/das Schloss schließt schlecht — the key won't turn properly/the lock doesn't work properly

    2) < shop> close, shut; < stock exchange> close; (den Betrieb einstellen) close [down]
    3) (enden) end; conclude

    [aus etwas] auf etwas (Akk.) schließen — infer or conclude something [from something]

    unregelmäßiges reflexives Verb <door, window> close, shut; <wound, circle> close; < flower> close [up]
    * * *
    closing n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > schließen

  • 12 उपस्था _upasthā

    उपस्था 1 U. (cf. P.I.3.25-6. and Vārt.1)
    1 To stand near; fall to one's share; नादत्तमुपतिष्ठति Pt.2. 127 remain; विष्टभ्य पादावुपतिष्ठते श्रीः Mu.4.13.
    -2 To come near, approach; मामुपतिष्ठस्व Mu.1 come to me; रामं मुनिरुपस्थितः R.15.76; Ku.2.64; Pt.1. राजद्वारम् U.1; R.1.45,87;2.39,15.15.
    -3 To wait or attend upon, serve; नाटकेनोपस्थातव्यमस्माभिः Ś.1. We must wait upon (serve) (the audience) with a play; Ms.2.48,3.189; पुरा शक्रमुपस्थाय R.1.75,14.24; U.1.
    -4 To approach with prayers, worship (said to be Ātm. only in this sense); ये सूर्यमुपतिष्ठन्ते मन्त्रैः Bk.8.13; न त्र्यम्बकादन्यमुपस्थि- तासौ 1.3; Ku.2.3; R.4.6,1.63,17.1,18.22; Māl.; U.2,3,7; सख्येन मामुपतिष्ठते treats me as a friend.
    -5 To be or remain near, stay with.
    -6 To go to with the desire of getting (P. or Ā.); प्रभुमुपतिष्ठति-ते Sk.
    -7 To approach for intercourse; कं रहस्युपतिष्ठसे Bk.5.68; पतिमुपतिष्ठते नारी Vop.
    -8 To meet, join (as a river) (Ā.); गङ्गा यमुनामुपतिष्ठते Sk.
    -9 To form friendship with, make a friend of; रथिकानुपतिष्ठते Sk.; उपस्थितैवमुक्ते तं सखायं राघवः पितुः Bk.6.42; सन्तमुपतिष्ठते साधुः Vop.
    -1 To approach with hostile intentions.
    -11 To lead to, go to or reach (Ā.) (as a way); पन्थाः स्रुघ्नमुपतिष्ठते Sk. (प्राप्नोति); Ms.3.76.
    -12 To pass over to, devolve upon, fall to the share of; मूलपुरुषावसाने संपदः परमुपतिष्ठन्ति Ś.6; Ki.13.69; वीरसूरिति शब्दो$यं तनयात्त्वामुपस्थितः M.5. 16, applies to you; R.8.2; विपदुत्पत्तिमतामुपस्थिता 8.83 awaits or falls to the lot of.
    -13 To occur, arise; be got; अहो$स्माकं भोजनमुपस्थितम् H.1.
    -14 To be present (Ā.); स्मृत्युपस्थितौ श्लोकौ U.6; भोजनकाले उपतिष्ठते Sk.
    -15 To stand under for support.
    -16 To resort to; वेशमुपतिष्ठन्ति Dk.6.
    -17 To conciliate. -Caus. (-स्थाप- यति)
    1 To provide, present with, furnish with; to get ready, prepare; अस्खलितसुखसंपातं रथमुपस्थापय U.1; सबाणासनं रथम् Ś.2.
    -2 To place upon or near.
    -3 To produce.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > उपस्था _upasthā

  • 13 קדושה

    קְדוּשָּׁהf. (קָדַש) 1) holiness, sanctity, sacredness; chastity. Yeb.II, 3, a. e. איסור ק׳, v. אִיסּוּר. Kidd.55a, a. fr. קְדוּשַּׁת הגוף an object which is consecrated as such (irredeemable), opp. ק׳ דמים that which is consecrated for its value (redeemable). Tem.10b משום דמפרש ק׳ על הולד because he has pronounced sanctity on the embryo (by dedicating the mother). Ib.a אין ק׳ חלה על עיברין no sanctification takes effect on embryos (by the dedication of the mothers). Naz.VII, 1 נזיר שאין קְדוּשָּׁתוֹ קדושת עולם the Nazarite whose sanctification is not an everlasting one (it ceasing with the expiration of his vow). Ḥag.3b ק׳ ראשונה קִדְּשָׁהּ לשעתה as to the first consecration (of the holy land by Joshua), he consecrated it only for the time being (as long as inhabited and ruled by Israelites); Meg.10b, sq.; Zeb.60b; a. e.Hor.13a זה גדל עמנו בק׳ וזה לאוכ׳ the one (the nathin, v. נָתִין) has grown up with us in holiness (under the influences of the Jewish religion), and the other (the proselyte) has not Snh.58a לידתו בק׳ born in holiness (after his mothers conversion); Yeb.98a, v. הוֹרָת; a. v. fr. 2) sanctification, proclaiming the holiness of the Lord, solemn public act connected with the idea of Israels priesthood. Meg.23b; Ber.21b כל דבר שבק׳ לא יהאוכ׳ no sacred public act should be performed with less than ten persons.Esp. קְדוּשַּׁת הַשֵּׁם a) sanctification of the Name, fidelity to the Jewish faith, martyrdom. Ib. 20a מסרי נפשייהו אק׳ה׳, v. מְסַר. Snh.74b מצווה על ק׳ה׳ bound to sanctify the Name (with his life); a. fr.b) ק׳ השם, or קדושה the third section of the Prayer of Benedictions (תְּפִלָּה), praising the holiness of the Lord; the appeal to the congregation to join in the ‘holy, holy (v. קָדוֹש). R. Hash. IV, 5 סדר ברכות … וק׳ה׳ the order of the benedictions (for the New Years Day) is: Aboth (v. אָב), Gburoth (v. גְּבוּרָה) and the sanctification. Ber.21b עד שלא יגיע … ק׳ before the reader reaches the ḳdushshah. Ib. אין היחיד אומר ק׳ one praying alone should not recite the ḳdushshah; a. fr. קדושת היום (ק׳ שבת, ק׳ יום טוב), also ק׳ declaration of the sanctity of the day ( the Sabbath) in prayer or at meals. R. Hash. l. c. ק׳ היום that section of the Prayer of Benedictions which closes with the benediction ‘who sanctifiest the day Bets.15b לוו עלי וקדשו ק׳ היוםוכ׳ borrow on my (the Lords) account and celebrate the sanctity of the day, and trust me Ber.33b בין ק׳ שבת לק׳יו״ט הבדלת thou hast made a distinction between the way of sanctifying the Sabbath and that of sanctifying the Holy Day. Pes.105a ק׳ על הכוס the proclamation of the sanctity of the Day over a cup of wine (קִידּוּש); a. fr.Pl. קְדוּשּׁוֹת. Kel. I, 6 עשר ק׳ הן there are ten degrees of territorial sanctity. Y.Ber.IX, 13a top; Tanḥ. Kdosh. 4 (ref. to Josh. 24:19) שהוא קדוש בכל מיני ק׳וכ׳ he is holy in all kinds of holy acts, for all his doings are in holiness, his speech is in holiness Lev. R. s. 24 שלש ק׳ three times ‘holy, v. כָּתַר; Yalk. Is. 272. Ber.33a אנשי … ק׳ והבדלות the men of the Great Assembly instituted for Israel blessings (on enjoyments of food), daily prayers, sanctification of sacred days (over wine), and the blessing at the exit of sacred days (v. הַבְדָּלָה); a. fr. 3) a title, his holiness. Y.Ned.VI, end, 40a; Y.Snh.I, 19a top (in irony) לקדושת חנניה to his holiness Hanania (who had usurped the functions of the Palestine authorities).

    Jewish literature > קדושה

  • 14 קְדוּשָּׁה

    קְדוּשָּׁהf. (קָדַש) 1) holiness, sanctity, sacredness; chastity. Yeb.II, 3, a. e. איסור ק׳, v. אִיסּוּר. Kidd.55a, a. fr. קְדוּשַּׁת הגוף an object which is consecrated as such (irredeemable), opp. ק׳ דמים that which is consecrated for its value (redeemable). Tem.10b משום דמפרש ק׳ על הולד because he has pronounced sanctity on the embryo (by dedicating the mother). Ib.a אין ק׳ חלה על עיברין no sanctification takes effect on embryos (by the dedication of the mothers). Naz.VII, 1 נזיר שאין קְדוּשָּׁתוֹ קדושת עולם the Nazarite whose sanctification is not an everlasting one (it ceasing with the expiration of his vow). Ḥag.3b ק׳ ראשונה קִדְּשָׁהּ לשעתה as to the first consecration (of the holy land by Joshua), he consecrated it only for the time being (as long as inhabited and ruled by Israelites); Meg.10b, sq.; Zeb.60b; a. e.Hor.13a זה גדל עמנו בק׳ וזה לאוכ׳ the one (the nathin, v. נָתִין) has grown up with us in holiness (under the influences of the Jewish religion), and the other (the proselyte) has not Snh.58a לידתו בק׳ born in holiness (after his mothers conversion); Yeb.98a, v. הוֹרָת; a. v. fr. 2) sanctification, proclaiming the holiness of the Lord, solemn public act connected with the idea of Israels priesthood. Meg.23b; Ber.21b כל דבר שבק׳ לא יהאוכ׳ no sacred public act should be performed with less than ten persons.Esp. קְדוּשַּׁת הַשֵּׁם a) sanctification of the Name, fidelity to the Jewish faith, martyrdom. Ib. 20a מסרי נפשייהו אק׳ה׳, v. מְסַר. Snh.74b מצווה על ק׳ה׳ bound to sanctify the Name (with his life); a. fr.b) ק׳ השם, or קדושה the third section of the Prayer of Benedictions (תְּפִלָּה), praising the holiness of the Lord; the appeal to the congregation to join in the ‘holy, holy (v. קָדוֹש). R. Hash. IV, 5 סדר ברכות … וק׳ה׳ the order of the benedictions (for the New Years Day) is: Aboth (v. אָב), Gburoth (v. גְּבוּרָה) and the sanctification. Ber.21b עד שלא יגיע … ק׳ before the reader reaches the ḳdushshah. Ib. אין היחיד אומר ק׳ one praying alone should not recite the ḳdushshah; a. fr. קדושת היום (ק׳ שבת, ק׳ יום טוב), also ק׳ declaration of the sanctity of the day ( the Sabbath) in prayer or at meals. R. Hash. l. c. ק׳ היום that section of the Prayer of Benedictions which closes with the benediction ‘who sanctifiest the day Bets.15b לוו עלי וקדשו ק׳ היוםוכ׳ borrow on my (the Lords) account and celebrate the sanctity of the day, and trust me Ber.33b בין ק׳ שבת לק׳יו״ט הבדלת thou hast made a distinction between the way of sanctifying the Sabbath and that of sanctifying the Holy Day. Pes.105a ק׳ על הכוס the proclamation of the sanctity of the Day over a cup of wine (קִידּוּש); a. fr.Pl. קְדוּשּׁוֹת. Kel. I, 6 עשר ק׳ הן there are ten degrees of territorial sanctity. Y.Ber.IX, 13a top; Tanḥ. Kdosh. 4 (ref. to Josh. 24:19) שהוא קדוש בכל מיני ק׳וכ׳ he is holy in all kinds of holy acts, for all his doings are in holiness, his speech is in holiness Lev. R. s. 24 שלש ק׳ three times ‘holy, v. כָּתַר; Yalk. Is. 272. Ber.33a אנשי … ק׳ והבדלות the men of the Great Assembly instituted for Israel blessings (on enjoyments of food), daily prayers, sanctification of sacred days (over wine), and the blessing at the exit of sacred days (v. הַבְדָּלָה); a. fr. 3) a title, his holiness. Y.Ned.VI, end, 40a; Y.Snh.I, 19a top (in irony) לקדושת חנניה to his holiness Hanania (who had usurped the functions of the Palestine authorities).

    Jewish literature > קְדוּשָּׁה

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  • Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the… …   Universalium

  • education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… …   Universalium

  • JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Eid ul-Fitr — عيد الفطر EĪd ul Fiṭr (Festivity after Completing the Fasting Month of Ramadan) Eid ul Fitr meal, Malaysia Official name Arabic: عيد الفطر ‎ EĪd ul Fi …   Wikipedia

  • KABBALAH — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction general notes terms used for kabbalah the historical development of the kabbalah the early beginnings of mysticism and esotericism apocalyptic esotericism and merkabah… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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